Smart Fit Massager equipment is the premium vibration device powering a new dimension in wellness solutions for all ages, lifestyles and physical abilities.
It uses the principles of Acceleration Training to stimulate the body’s natural response to vibration.
These vibrations transmit waves of energy throughout the body, activating muscle contractions between 25 and 50 times per second, enhancing overall performance in sessions as short as 15 minutes a day, 3 times a week.
Trackon is a leading company in the fitness and sports equipment field. By recognizing the importance and convenience of having easy access to multiple fitness services, we became specialized by offering complete solutions under one roof for all types of high-quality fitness equipment, such as Treadmills, Bikes, and Ellipticals, as well as brand-new various fitness equipment and accessories.
Understanding the importance of availing the fitness concept for everyone, we provided simple solutions to fit everyone and gave a complete solution starting from selling the products and maintaining them through annual maintenance contracts and regular visits. With the most talented and dedicated employees and engineers,
We are offering services for GCC Region, Covering the most prestigious health clubs and private clients ensuring good Quality and the Best Service in the fitness industry.
Contact Info
Address:Al Shoala Building, Port Saeed, Dubai, United Arab Emirate 236723.